dissabte, 10 de juny del 2017

Bye Bye ESO

In this long year I have lived many experiences... I've worked to get the best results I could. And although all the stressful moments I've been through, it has become very short.

We have made many english projects... If I had to choose, my favourite english project would be the Horror Movie, because when we all met to do it we laughed a lot, and we enjoyed a lot this time. We met three days to make the Horror Movie, and we could have it done with just one, but I think this is a good thing, beacuse despite the work, I think the important thing should be spending good time toghether.

One of the projects I didn't like was the Psychological Horror story, because I didn't find it very interesting looking for Edgar Allan Poe information, and it wasn't very pleasant for me explaining the story, and answering questions about it.

I have a suggestion for the next year, I think you could introduce a project about creating a love song, a love movie, or a love poem, because it has many advantages: making the students look for new vocabulary, helping them to understand metaphors or comparisons...

In general, in all the other subjects I've learn lots of new interesting things, and I want to keep studiyng to enrich myself with with knowledge, and be able to learn a lot about wise people.

Resultat d'imatges de good bye